- Top Benefits of Vending Machines at Workplace

Top Benefits of Vending Machines at Work

Employees spend more than half of their life at work, whether in an office, on a production floor, or jumping between several jobs. As an employer, it’s necessary to develop an atmosphere that encourages productivity while supporting their health and well-being objectives.

Providing enough access to food, drinks, and nutritious snacks to your employees is a significant component of workplace efficiency. Vending machines in the workplace from is a great way to let your staff access food right at their workstations.

Before deciding whether or not to put vending machines in your office, consider the top benefits of vending machines at work.

  1. Vending Machines Require Minimal Maintenance: A reputable vending service business, such as, will take care of your machine’s vending machine needs. We can give you tips on how to find the best location for your business and even help you choose the items that best fit your needs. This allows the business owner to focus entirely on your work rather than worrying about restocking and maintaining your new vending machine. Maintaining, installing, and stocking vending machines with a reliable business like can save you time and money. 
  2. Enhanced Productivity: A vending machine may enhance productivity while assuring your staff’s satisfaction. Employees will spend more time getting work done if they are not required to leave the workplace to acquire food and beverages. Furthermore, when employees are hungry, their productivity suffers. A combo vending machine can help employees avoid the afternoon slump by offering a much-needed push. You will undoubtedly witness a boost in office productivity if you make food immediately accessible. Having vending services in your workplace has a lot of advantages. Customers and staff benefit from vending services, while businesses benefit from increased consumer satisfaction and employee bonding. These easy-to-operate machines boost staff productivity and are a must-have for any company looking to grow.
  3. Higher Level Of Employee Satisfaction: It may be a tremendous morale booster for an employer to ensure their employees’ fundamental requirements are met. Employees want to feel valued on a personal level and encouraged in their individual and career aspirations. Vending machines are a thoughtful approach to making consumables available in the office and improving employee satisfaction. Being able to swiftly get a drink and food and return to your desk without missing a beat gives you a tremendous sense of fulfillment. Keeping people happy at work encourages them to work better and achieve tremendous success.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Work Environment for Employer & Employees: A workplace with vending machines could provide refreshments, water, food, and other basics to employees anytime. As a result, the team is always ready to work. You should begin installing healthy vending machines at your office for a healthy lifestyle. When there are vending machines in the office, the employees are more likely to stay for longer hours to put in the extra effort. The vending machines have become somewhat of a hangout zone for the employees. There is less time wasted dispensing food or beverages, so the team is refreshed at the optimal time. This fosters a positive relationship between the employer and the employees.
  5. Appropriately Satisfying Hunger And Thirst: People in hotter areas must consume two liters of water every day. Humans require at least a liter of water daily in the coldest climates. Vending machines may provide your employees with various beverages and water in this case. On hot and humid days, your employees will stay hydrated. This simple machine offers a brilliant answer for keeping your employees hydrated. These machines have excellent quality and provide immediate beverages with just a tap. There’s no need to wait for hours to grab a cup of coffee or a bottle of water. 

Vending Machine for Snacks: Employees in any office are always on the lookout for on the go snacks. That’s where snack vending machines plays an important role. Introducing free coupons for the vending machine that provides refreshments to high-performing employees will keep the workplace humming with activity. With a snack vending machine in house, best performers can make use of the coupons as a token of appreciation. Now is the time to have a snack vending machine for your office. You’ll be surprised to hear that these appetizing vending machines may help you make more money. Guests and non-staff members will require snacks and water in some work areas. These individuals will pay the price for the product they consume. 

Looking for vending machine equipment or want to learn more about the benefits of a vending machine? You should consider all your options from type of machines to choice of items. Vending machines are convenient and don’t come with any hidden expenses. There’s no reason why you should not give it a shot! A big picture benefit of having vending machines at work is that they can also help you maintain a healthier workspace by providing more nutritious alternatives. Do you want to keep your employees happy and satisfied during their workday? Reach out to today for all of your vending needs!

Advantages to Vending in the Workplace

Advantages to Vending in the Workplace

Vending machines are a common staple in most workplaces, but are there any real advantages to having a vending machine in the office? Absolutely! Having a workplace vending machine that your employees can utilize has multiple advantages that cannot be overlooked, including increased productivity, low maintenance and keeping your employees healthy.

Picture this. Two o’clock rolls around and your employees are starting to get hungry and restless, but they have a major deadline they have to meet by 5pm. In order to get it done, they need to leave the office, go pick up a snack and then come back. That time that they spent doing that could have gone towards finishing the project. Instead, they have to work even harder to make up for that time. If they had access to a workplace vending machine in the office, however, they would not waste as much time looking for a snack. Instead, they simply have to go to the machine, vend a product and get back to working on the project. This particular advantage of vending machines is that your employees stay productive and focused throughout the entire day.

Another advantage of workplace vending machines is that they are low maintenance. You can do just about everything yourself, directly onsite, meaning that you do not have to pay anyone to run a vending machine. Plus, restocking products is a simple task that can be done in no time. If a problem should arise, however, technical support through Vendnet is always available to help. They have a library of troubleshooting videos, manuals and even a place to order parts for your vending machine.

By providing a workplace vending machine with healthy food and beverage options, you are doing your part to ensure that your employees are living a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, having healthy food options, such as granola bars or yogurt parfaits, will allow your employees to focus more on the task at hand. Not all of your products need to be healthy but having a mix of healthy and unhealthy options means that all of your employees will be satisfied throughout the day.

It is important that you set your employees up for success in the workplace. Having workplace vending machines in your office grants advantages, such as allowing your employees to stay productive throughout and live a healthy lifestyle. For more information about vending in the workplace, call us at 855-296-8064.

The Importance of Proper Guidance for Employees

For many employees, the employee handbook is only one small piece of working for a company – a piece quickly forgotten. They read it, forget it and get on with learning and doing their job. While this may not be ideal from and employer perspective, it is important to realize that forgetting the employee handbook is a luxury only available to employees. As an employer, the employee handbook is an important tool for communicating with your workers and protecting your company from unnecessary lawsuits.

The importance of an in-depth employee handbook

The employee handbook explains a number of things to your employees – things that they need to understand to integrate effectively with your company. It not only tells them the history of your business and your mission and goals, it explains hard and fast rules for getting along in the company. It lays down the law on what is and is not acceptable.

In addition to the rules of your company, the handbook also lays out the specific laws that are applicable to employment with your company. There are federal and state laws pertaining to employment – and perhaps to safety in your particular industry – that employees need to be aware of.

All of this information is put down in clear writing that is then explained to the employee by your company. Employees can look to the handbook for clarification, as well as to management and human resources if applicable. The important thing is, all parties have the same reference – the handbook.

The handbook protects your company

You company could do everything right, operating well within the law and treating your employees fairly. This does not protect you from legal action by unscrupulous parties – even people you have hired and taken care of. Companies are sued all the time whether they do anything wrong or not. But, as long as you are obeying the law and have solid documentation to back you up – such as with your employee handbook, you should be able to effectively defend yourself.

Consider at-will employment. If you are in an at-will state, you should certainly have that information front and center in your handbook. Employees should know that legal realities of your relationship to prevent any confusion on down the line. Disciplinary measures are sometimes necessary and should be mentioned in the handbook as well, along with the relationship between disciplinary measures and at-will employment.

Harassment policies are also an important component of the handbook. Sexual harassment charges can hit a company hard, damaging both its reputation and its bank account. Your policies towards any type of harassment or discrimination should be clearly stated in the handbook. This is something you will want to be able to reference should anyone ever attempt to lay blame on your company policies for harassment or discrimination situations.

Invest in your employee handbook

The employee handbook is important enough to invest time and money in. Consider hiring an attorney familiar with employee handbooks to ensure you include everything necessary to protect your company – both now and in the future.