Preparing for 2022 Trends: What beverages and sodas are your customers consuming?

If you have beverage vending machines, you need to plan ahead to accommodate the changing demands of your customers. Industry experts predict that, on an average, the sales of major beverages are set to rise at a CAGR of 1.7% per year until 2026. The year 2020 saw the entire world go through major upheaval due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Even retail sales of beverages dipped as fewer people were stepping out of their homes. However, with everything slowly opening back up and returning to normalcy, we can expect to see a steady increase in the sales of beverages from vending machines.

At we have a wide range of drink vending machines that will help you sell everything from iced coffee to soda, juice and bottled water.

Due to the global pandemic, people have become more health conscious and aware of the need to consume healthy and cruelty-free foods, and this extends to drinks. Here’s what consumers are likely to demand more of in the coming year:

Plant-Based Drinks

Sure, we’re already consuming several plant-based drinks – fruit juices! But experts predict that the demand for vegan products, like soy milk, will also spike. Veganism is gaining popularity in the western world, including America, as there are many people who are lactose intolerant and cannot consume dairy. So, all such individuals are going to demand non-dairy-based shakes and drinks. Almond milk, cashew milk, and soy milk are the most popular among the non-dairy milk drinks. 

Immunity Boosters

As concerns about health grow in the pandemic era, people are keen to boost their immunity through natural means. This means there is going to be a sharp demand for protein shakes, probiotic drinks, turmeric lattes, and an assortment of health teas. 

Other Health Drinks

A lot of drinks fall under this category including packaged smoothies, shakes, and superfood drinks. Examples of superfood drinks include shakes or juices made with plants like spirulina, wheat germ, basil seeds, goji berries, chia seeds, and more. Such drinks will sell well in vending machines placed in health clubs, gyms, swimming pool complexes, and other sports complexes where teams practice and compete, such as our MarketOne Fitness Merchandiser.

With different beverages coming in varying shapes and sizes, it is crucial that your vending machine is able to accommodate consumer trending beverages and sodas outside of traditional cans and bottles. The Cold Drink 5W Elevator Vending Machine not only accommodates a variety of products, but also features a soft delivery elevator, so you can vend fragile items, such as iced coffee.

Sustainable and Organic 

Today, consumers want to know where their food comes from and how it was grown – whether it is organic or genetically modified. Brands that advertise their products as organic and sustainably grown will certainly have high demand, as consumers are likely to look for those beverage brands in vending machines, too.

Low Sugar Drinks

With diabetes and other lifestyle diseases on the rise, more and more people are looking for foods with low sugar and salt content. They look for fizzy drinks and fruit juices with minimal or no-added-sugar. 


Come what may, Americans are not going to stop drinking coffee, at least for the foreseeable future. The consumer trending demand for this popular beverage will continue into the next year. We all know that coffee is not just to quench thirst. It can be your wake-up-drink or a post-lunch digestion aid. Business deals are made over coffee and people use it to start a conversation. With so many reasons to get a cup of it, people just need the visual cue to reach out for one. Coffee vending machines can be placed in almost any place with high foot traffic. 

Our MarketOne Coffee Vending Machine delivers a European café experience to your customers, with a range of coffees that taste just like freshly made Barista beverages. With a stylish design and cutting-edge brewing and filter system that facilitate precise ingredient control, this machine is THE one you need for coffee vending. You can choose from freeze-dried and fresh brew models; it dispenses multiple types of premium, specialty hot beverages – in fact, there are 11 core hot drinks with 34 combinations to choose from: hot chocolate, espresso, coffee, cappuccino, and more. 


While there is an increased consumer trend shift towards healthier drinks, sodas will not disappear. There is still a demand for fizzy drinks, and as a vending machine owner, you need to have this in your inventory.

The Express Combo snack and drink combo vending machine is a compact machine that is also eco-friendly. Its LED lighting highlights your products, and the fiber door graphic styling makes it attractive to customers. You can stock up to 9 types of drinks and 20 types of snacks, offering ample choices to your customers. It features two flexible trays for bottles or cans with high stocking capacity which can hold up to five drink selections, allowing you to offer your customers multiple choices for drinks, including health drinks.

Bottled Water

As the awareness about the benefits of sufficient hydration increases, so will the demand for bottled water. It is an item that is needed by every single person, regardless of age or health status – making it a safe bet to vend as well. Additionally, it will sell well at almost any location. 

The MarketOne 48 Select Water Vending Machine from is the ideal choice for this. Its sleek design is sure to impress your customers; the availability of multiple payment options like cash, debit, and credit cards offers convenience. This machine also features iVend guaranteed technology, which guarantees dispensing. In case the product gets stuck, customers get their money back. It is also suitable for use by people with disabilities and visually impaired customers, as there is a backlit keypad with Braille identification. Its dimensions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Ideally, to keep up with consumer trends, you should provide as wide of a beverage and soda selection as possible, especially when you start off with your vending business, so that you can increase the possibility of sales. Something for everyone is always a good principle. However, you need to closely monitor your sales, item-wise, so that you can decide whether to continue with the same items or remove them from your inventory.

Are you still hesitating to kickstart your vending business? Or do you just need help with your machine and its products? At, we are always happy to answer your questions and help you achieve your business goals. Call us at 1-800-548-1982 today!

Vending – A Year in Review

2021 – A look back

2020 will be remembered as the year of lockdowns and the year when masks became a style accessory for the masses. But 2021 has had a lot of other reasons to be remembered. While some may remember it as commercial space flights becoming the new norm, others will remember the vending industry and its big moments in 2021.

The market for vending equipment grew at a much faster pace than 2020. In a market that has been traditionally dominated by the United States and East Asia, other emerging markets have started making their marks too. This is not happenstance. A growing population with disposable income, new-age payment technologies and the need for contactless purchasing have all aided this growth. The traditional vending products market is set to reach $12 billion in 2021, according to leading industry analyst Technavio.

Trends in Vending

Vending machines are customized automated mechanisms that can provide items like snacks and beverages. The penetration of vending machines in the global market has been growing for the past few years. North American markets have dominated the market historically, but recent years have been great for American-made vending machine manufacturers and operators in Japan, China, South Korea and other Far East markets. Between these two geographies, they have covered more than 2/3rds of the global market in the past year.

Research companies like Markets and Research, IBIS, Statista and Technavio are all upbeat about the demand for vending machines in 2021 and beyond. Growth estimates vary from 10.6% CAGR (compound annual growth rate) to as high as 15% CAGR in the next decade. With newer applications, wider acceptance and easier payment systems, this number can only go up.

Key Drivers

COVID-19 has influenced the vending machine markets in more than one way. Consumers have become more conscious about social distancing and personal safety than ever before. Solutions like contactless payment, such as Greenlite cashless, Near Field Communications (NFC), and mobile interface have made it possible for users to interact and transact without contact. While contact with the machine is inevitable, technology like UVend Technology has come in handy. UVend Technology can kill or inactivate 99.9% of pathogens making interacting with vending machines safer for customers.

Vending machines are also becoming more versatile and allowing diverse applications. Conventional applications like coffee vending,  cold beverage machines, and snack machines, continue to dominate the market. Newer applications like personal hygiene products and lifestyle accessories, however, are beginning to gain some ground.

Socio-economic factors were also a key player in 2021. The fallout from the global pandemic rolled over into 2021. This meant that convenience stores and supermarkets have not been able to function at full capacity all the time, so consumers have had to adapt newer means for self-serviced purchases either through vending machines or e-commerce. Vending machines have also been proven to be an effective alternative source of income when businesses and individuals suffered a decrease in their main sources of income.

Looking Forward:

The vending machine industry is going through a deep change. From the demand side, it is driven by the need for novel vending applications. So far, a huge part of vending machine transactions has been for food and beverage products and ticketing systems. Now, vending machines are finding new areas where self-service use cases are now relevant and feasible or new applications in self-service use cases. offers custom vending machines for such businesses and use cases like laundry, fitness, bait, and many more.  An example would be 20 Select Laundry Center custom vending machines that vend detergents, conditioners, and the like. Another relevant, popular, and new use case is PPE vending –’s SaniCenter range caters to this use case.  The trend in reverse vending is catching up quickly, thanks to waste collection systems incentivizing deposits.

The key factor that is impacting the market for vending machines is the technology component. With more diverse applications comes the need for robust and reliable systems. Modern electronics and cyber-physical systems have helped customize the core vending platforms to suit the needs of the usage. And has remained on top and edge of technology waves that have enhanced customer experience. Incorporation of 

Are but representatives of how is developing in-house tech in addition to developing new applications atop technology trends to enhance the customer experience.

In more ways than one, vending machines are on the cusp of a new phase. Their technology is changing. Their applications are increasing. Macro factors like geo-political relationships and socio-cultural aspects are constantly evolving. Individual demands and preferences are transforming. All of this promises great opportunities for the vending machine industry. It is going to be exciting for the end-user, vending operator, machine owner, machine manufacturer, and everybody else involved in vending.

Learn more about the vending machine industry and how you can participate in it from the leaders in the vending space. Call us at 1-800-548-1982 to know more. - Financing-Options

Financing Options

The biggest challenge to investing in vending machines is capital, but it does not have to be.

Vending machines are the proverbial cash-cows that individuals and businesses can earn a constant source of additional income from. But for some, the cost of buying one can delay the decision to invest in other vending machines and vending technology. So how do you invest in a vending machine? Leading vending machine manufacturer,, a Wittern Group company, has a history of solving this challenge for interested investors.

For more than 50 years, they have put the power to invest in vending machines in the hands of interested investors both big and small. With financing features like:
• Flexible repayment arrangements to meet cash flow
• Specialized programs to increase sales
• Up to 48-month terms
• Quick credit approval process

buying a vending machine can be easier than buying snacks from one.

Why invest in vending machines in the first place?

An auxiliary source of income never bites. People have always looked at hedging the risks in their income by creating sources that make money for them when they are busy. Vending machines can do just that for you. Like the legendary Warren Buffet would say, this would be the way to make money while you are sleeping.

But it is not just that. Vending machines at establishments like gyms and salons can bring great convenience for your customers and visitors who no longer have to haul bags of water, beverages and health snacks. This can improve customer loyalty and bring recurring footfall that increases your main business. Yes, it is true that vending machines not only help you make money by selling merchandise, but also helping you improve your customer retention. Afterall, happy customers have no reason to try your competition if you make their life easy.

For hospitals, educational institutions and community spaces, vending machines solve a different set of problems. Apart from giving accessibility to people in need of essentials, they help us all focus on our real reason for being in these places.

How to address the financing problem for your vending machine investments?

Now that we have clearly seen that individuals and businesses alike can benefit from buying and installing vending machines, the next inevitable problem is how to invest in a vending machine in regards to the capital requirement. While individuals and small businesses can get a tangible increase in income from vending machines, the availability of capital makes it difficult for them to invest. It might make it less attractive to dip into your reserves or vacation savings, even if one knows that there will be guaranteed returns in the long run.

The story is the same for small businesses when it comes to choosing between paying the bills versus investing in vending machines. The problem is not small for large establishments either. At the end of the day, removing valuable cash or capital from operations is likely to have impact on operations. This is where vending machine financing options like the ones provide make it attractive for anybody who might be interested.

Financing is not just for making that first step into the vending world. It can help achieve scalable growth by acquiring more machines to amplify your success.

So what does offer as financing options? provides a variety of plans ranging from 6 to 48 months. Each one of them come with attractive APR rates. Consultants engage with buyers to identify the best plan that suits investment appetite and repayment capacity.

What is more interesting is that the financing options are available for not just the machines but for the parts as well. What does that mean for the average buyer? The technology behind vending machines is growing in leaps and bounds. From contactless transactions, to UV sanitization and intuitive back-end web-based device management, there are a lot of ways to monetize your machines. This means that customers can continue to upgrade their machines with the necessary components that can help them generate more revenue. As’s financing plans are extended to the parts, making that decision to invest in technology that gives you more revenue becomes a no-brainer.

How can one apply for financing from in order to invest in a vending machine? realizes that having such attractive financing options can only be beneficial if interested investors can easily apply for and obtain financing. That is why they have made the application simple and straight forward. One could try the online application form in this link or download the physical application.

Even the estimation of profit before you make the purchase decision is child’s play with this tool that helps you calculate your returns.’s financing plans, combined with the ease of application for finance and the attractive returns on investment, are very good reasons to make that foray into the vending business. A financing specialist will assist you all the way through this secure process.

You can ask for help on this page here, or call 1-855-929-1042.

Disclaimer: Financing is only available with approved credit. (WAC)


The 2021 Section 179 Tax Deduction

Did you know that with the Section 179 Tax Deduction, you can deduct the full price of new vending equipment? This incentive for business owners expires at the end of 2021, so take full advantage today! Find out more about the benefits of this incentive and how it can help your vending business by watching the video below.

For more information about Section 179, give us a call at 1-800-548-1982 or contact your sales representative today!

Prepare for Winter with UVend Technology

Are You Prepared for Winter?

The cold, winter months are going to be here before we know it. Not only does this mean colder weather, but it means that we will see an uptick in illness, whether it be a cold, the flu or COVID-19. Believe it or not, there is a lot that can be done with existing or new vending machines for sale in the winter to ensure your customers are satisfied.

MarketOne Coffee Vending Machine

For many customers, the cold weather settling in means that they crave a hot beverage in order to keep them warm. Enter the new MarketOne Coffee Vending Machine. It features a European design and a state-of-the-art brewing system for customers to receive coffee shop-quality from a vending machine with the push of a button. Keep customers warm by giving them the option to choose from up to 34 hot beverage combination options of coffee, hot chocolate, tea, espresso and more.

UVend Technology

Give customers and employees the safer vending experience they have been craving with UVend Technology. UVend Technology, a patent-pending UVC light sanitization device, makes the high-touch surfaces of vending machines safer by quickly killing or inactivating up to 99.9% of some of the most common viruses and bacteria, including influenza and COVID-19. 

To provide an extra layer of protection, UVend Technology features an automated motion sensor and visible blue light. The motion sensor ensures no presence is detected in front of the machine before activating and the blue light indicates quick sanitization is in process, allowing the machine’s keypad and delivery door to be sanitized after almost every use.

Sani-Center Vending Machine’s Sani-Center PPE Vending Machine limits face-to-face interaction by safely dispensing cleaning supplies, medical masks, hand sanitizers, wipes and more to customers. It allows customers safe access to supplies they need while generating revenue for your business. One of the biggest Sani-Center benefits is the capability for customers to purchase items through a cashless card reader or mobile payment platform, further reducing direct contact with the vending machine.

Looking for more ways to give your customers an extra layer of protection during the winter months? Call 1-800-548-1982.

Dog and cat on blue background

Let’s Hear it for the Pets!

Dogs and Cats

Work Like a Dog Day. International Cat Day. National Spoil Your Dog Day. National Black Cat Appreciation Day. International Homeless Animals Day. National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day. National Dog Day. National Holistic Pet Day. 

With August containing so many different pet-themed holidays, we thought it would be prudent to teach you about our affiliate, Vending 4 Pets! 
Vending 4 Pets provides high-quality vending machines you can maintain and make all the profits benefit your animal shelter or rescue league. 
Provide snacks and cold drinks to your employees and visitors. $0.65 of every $1.00 is profit! We offer 100% financing. Our program requires a portion of the profit on a few sales per day. All the rest of the profit goes to your shelter/rescue league.  
Simply maintain and stock your own machines with your choice of snacks and drinks. Your choice! Choose your favorite snacks, drinks, food, and even healthy vending items. Additionally, their vending machines are ADA compliant per the American Disabilities Act. 

Here is what the ARL of Iowa had to say:

“The customized vending machines are a real hit! We highly recommend this program.”

Tom Colvin, Director

ARL Animal Rescue League of Iowa


Call for a Free Vending comparison!

Let us show you how easy it is to raise money for animal shelters and rescues in your area! Call today to learn more at 1-855-254-1131! 

Note taking for vending machines

Vending Machine Upkeep-Part 3: Recordkeeping

As much as we sometimes wish it were true, we can’t remember everything. When thinking about the longevity of a machine, oftentimes what pops into our minds are steps we can take to maintain its factory-new condition. One of the most efficient and successful ways of prolonging the life of a vending machine is to regularly check it.

Detailed business recordkeeping can be a lifesaver. If you write something down, you don’t have to actively try to remember it. When it comes to repairs and maintenance, writing down even the most minute details can save you from headaches later.

You should keep detailed notes when:

  • You complete any self-repairs
  • An Independent Repairman or Service works on the machine
  • An Operator Provided Technician services the machine

Basically, your vending business recordkeeping should keep track of any service done to the machine, no matter who is completing it. But detailed notes don’t always mean you list who, where, and when. There are several things you should always keep track of beyond these items.

What You Should Always Write Down:

  • Who serviced the machine
  • When they serviced the machine
  • Where the machine is located
  • Every step they took to ‘fix’ the machine
    • And what each action was supposed to fix
  • Parts they replaced and where they got them
  • Vending Machine serial number, manufacturer, and model number

While writing so much information down can be tedious, the lack of panicked searching and stress later is well worth the work you do in the present.

There are many reasons to keep track of everything with vending business recordkeeping so diligently:

  • Helps you keep track of reoccurring maintenance checks
  • Assists with finding parts in the future
  • Gives you a sense of a machine’s history

Should something not be resolved the first time around, you then know exactly what has already been tried

Of the reasons listed above, one is more unassuming than the others: Knowing the history of a machine. It probably isn’t the first thing to cross your mind, but it can be quite beneficial to use business recordkeeping to be able to see if a machine has a history of issues, especially if you have purchased a used machine. We recommend asking the previous machine’s owner about the machine’s history prior to purchasing. It can help you identify machines near or at the end of their lifetime, and in the end, can help you make the decision of purchasing a new vending machine for sale over continuing to service a machine past-its-prime.

For more information on the upkeep of your machine, click HERE or contact at 1-800-548-1982.

Express Combo Keypad

Know Your Features: Express Combo

Everyone has their favorite thing. Favorite food. Favorite drink. Favorite Color. With so many options in the world, it can be hard to choose just one of anything! It is the same way with vending machines. Today, we are here to highlight the Express Combo Vending Machine. By the end of this post, you will know a bit more about the features that make this one of our bestselling machines.

Selections and Storage

For a combination vending machine, the Express Combo has an impressive number of selections. Up to 20 snacks and 9 drinks can be placed in the machine, which makes it perfect for smaller businesses, or locations that are interested in smaller machines. This model brings convenience to the forefront. With snacks and drinks in the same machine, it is truly a one-stop shop for customers. Speaking of convenient features, the Express comes equipped with a ‘pre-cool’ storage area. Drinks can be stored here so that when a restock occurs, the first few drinks are already cold for the customer!


The Express Combo is built with easy loading trays, two versatile bottle and can trays, and a high capacity can tray.

Easy Loading Trays

These trays are designed to tilt when they are pulled out, and they are equipped with latches to prevent the tray from falling out. This function allows for higher trays to be reached and filled with the same ease and efficiency as the lower ones.

Versatile Bottle and Can Trays

The coils on these trays can vend both bottles and cans. This feature works for cans and bottles that are up to 24 ounces.

High Capacity Can Tray

These are amazing. They hold 5 selections and can dispense up to 80 cans! They are super easy to load as well, making them great for both the operator and the customer!


Greenlite Cashless

The Express is compatible with cashless payment systems. With an average of 15-30% more sales, the card reader option is a no-brainer for any compatible machine!


One of the best systems you could possibly have on your machine is the iVend Guaranteed Product Delivery System. Using a laser, the machine can sense if a product has vended completely. If it hasn’t it will keep turning the coils until the product breaks the beam, or the system determines that the row is empty. If there is a failed vend, where nothing drops no matter how many times it turns, the payment is returned to the customer to try for a different product. This system has a strong correlation with customer satisfaction!

For more information on our other great machines, click HERE or contact at 1-800-548-1982.

Customer standing at the Express Combo

Vending Machine Upkeep-Part 2: Leveling

It is something that is mentioned in every manual and set-up guide, yet it is consistently overlooked. Every vending machine should be leveled right away. It is an easy step that is skipped, most often because it is deemed ‘unimportant.’ This could not be further from the truth.

Vending machines can be very sensitive. They literally, in their most basic parts, are refrigerated boxes. What happens, however, when the box does not seal all the way? When it is jostled every day because it is unsteady, the longevity of the box drastically declines.

One of the most important reasons that you need to level your vending machine is to protect the door. Given enough time while unlevel, the door of a vending machine will, eventually, not close anymore. They are built to align with precise locking mechanisms and intricate wiring. The vending machine being unlevel puts more pressure on the door than originally intended. The long-term effect could be permanent damage to the hinges, seals, and locking mechanisms of the door.

Even within a few weeks of being unlevel, the door might become harder to open. The probability of the door getting stuck increases exponentially when a machine remains unleveled. If you have a refrigerated vending machine and its door does not close all the way, you risk damaging other components of the machine as well, such as the refrigeration units. The doors are designed to seal all the cold air in, so the hot air can be pumped out. This process does not work properly if the seal is broken.

All the above consequences can be avoided by leveling your machine during the setup process. All it would take is 5-10 extra minutes of set-up, and in the end, that 5-10 minutes could save you the need to buy a completely new machine!

For more information on the upkeep of your machine, click HERE or contact at 1-800-548-1982.




Provide a Safer Experience with UVend Technology’s patent-pending UVend Technology makes the high-touch surfaces of vending machines safer by quickly killing or inactivating some of the most common viruses and bacteria, including influenza and the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2). It provides your employees and customers with a safer way to enjoy the convenience of on-site snacks and beverages.

UVend Technology is up to 99.9% in killing or inactivating some of the most common viruses and bacteria. It has been independently tested by accredited third-party testing labs to generate UV light within the germicidal frequencies and with enough power to be effective and sanitizing surfaces. The UVC light that is used in UVend Technology is the same UVC technology that is in use by healthcare organizations, schools, prisons, retailers and the transportation and hospitality industries.

For user safety, UVend Technology features an automated motion sensor and visible blue light. The motion sensor ensures no presence is detected in front of the machine before activating and the blue light indicates quick sanitization is in process, allowing the machine’s keypad and delivery door to be sanitized after almost every use.

It is time to provide a safer experience for your customers and employees. It gives them peace of mind that the technology is creating a safer environment for employees and customers. It is a chemical-free solution that does not rely on human behavior.

To find out more about UVend Technology, click HERE or call 1-800-548-1982.